“Always a day late…” she thought. “But it wasn't always a bad thing. I was late getting married. Thought all the good ones had got away but I got the pick of the litter in that game.”
“He wasn't much to look at. Guess that's why I got him but he sure knew how to care about me. I never knew the like until he came along.”
“He sure treated me better than my pa treated ma, and me, too, for that matter. You'd a thought we was created to save Pa the cost of a mule!”
“Those other fellas that passed me by all those years ago looked better but I was lucky to a missed that lot.”
“Some of my girlfriends told me tales made my skin crawl and my hair rise. And to think we grew up with that lot. Who'd of thought they'd be like that?”
“Mine, though, he always respected my wishes and he talked! I was sure lucky there. I always knew what he was a thinking and a planning ‘cause he told me. I didn't have to listen around any corners while the men folk talked to catch up like Lizzie Comers told me she did to keep up with her Bobby. She acted like it were a game but didn't seem so to me. Seemed an unkindness on both of their parts.”
“Margie Liscomb said her Peter used to ask her opinion just so he could do the opposite. Mine wasn't like that. He asked and he listened. He'd ask why I thought this or that and if he thought different he'd explain why and we'd discuss that and then we'd both feel good about the outcome. He never held it agin me that I had a good mind too.”
“Even when we had a set back like everybody has from time to time there weren't no blaming we just got back in the traces and worked on together.”
“He was real good with his hands too. Building things and fixing things. Didn't like to spend on gadgets and geegaws. I appreciated that of him. When I lost him I thought my life was over and that part of it was but thanks to him I'm set enough to keep on keeping on. I didn't have to move in with relatives or pinch pennies and do without. And I've got real good memories. Too many folk I know reaped bitterness or say ‘t'was worth it for the babies.’
“I do miss him though. I really, really do.”
It is definitely best to be loved completely! Love lasts and "social status" based on appearances is ephemeral. ❤ I'm lucky to be loved by someone very special and I'm beyond grateful!!